Friday Finds: A Simplified Closet

It’s been awhile since I shared a Friday Finds post on the blog. I don’t post about fashion much but lately I have been really inspired to overhaul my entire closet! I don’t what has gotten into me, but I have been in the mood to simplify lately and to start purchasing pieces that I truly love. First, I spent a couple hours in the afternoon going through my closet and assessing what was in that deep dark hole. I spend so much time in workout shorts and t-shirts that I rarely venture into my actual closet for anything to wear.


It came as a surprise to me how easy it was to part with some of my clothes! Usually I try to convince myself that I haven’t worn something because I don’t go out enough. Or because I don’t have the shoes to match it, but this time I was really honest with myself. I’ve come to realize that comfortable is my middle name and if something doesn’t fit that one requirement, it rarely enters the rotation of my most worn clothes. I typically end up putting it on and last all of 2 minutes before I rip it off and put on something comfy. Ripped jeans and a cute top have been my go to lately.

Once I started pulling things out of my closet, I began to notice a trend. Everything fun and colorful was in a pile on my bed which left a sea of greys, black, mustard, and an overt obsession with stripes hanging in my closet. I think in past years my wardrobe has reflected someone that I’m not: bright and colorful, over the top. Recently I’ve realized that’s just not me. I love pops of color but always on a base of neutral shades.


So this week’s find is a realization I encourage you to find within yourself. Being you is better than faking it! Simple is better if that’s what you like, and if not don’t be afraid to be you even if you stand out in the crowd. This week I realized I have been buying into a lie for a long time. A lie that my closet has to be full of options and has to be diverse. That more is better and fitting in with everyone else will make me happy. I’m obsessed with grey! I love stripes! I have a hard time committing to anything that is colorful, especially in home decor, but I love it. And now that I can actually see into my closet and hang things up, I’m happy for the realization that sometimes, less is more.

Now I can take my time finding clothes that are truly me! What’s your favorite clothing store? I’d love to branch out and really explore my options this time around.

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  1. Kim McHugh
    August 29, 2016 / 10:45 AM

    The stores I have been checking out lately are H&M, Bershka, Desigual, Dunnes, Primark and Springfield. I have discovered two good shoes stores where I live in Spain: Gody and Mary Paz. I try to look in my closet and actually pick some things that are a bit different, particularly in color, than what I tend to pick out. I enjoy the variety of color and style so that on any given day I can find something to fit my mood.

    • monique
      August 29, 2016 / 3:31 PM

      I have heard several good things about Primark but haven’t heard of the other stores before! I couldn’t agree more about being intentional with shopping choices though. That’s what I need to get better at!

  2. Amber Rodgers
    November 5, 2016 / 3:00 AM

    Love this post! I am the same way — love the grays and blacks and feel bad when I don’t have enough color. I won’t feel bad about it anymore. I’m just going to be me!

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