Since the start of the new year I have been keeping a journal as a practice in reflectiveness. There’s not a crazy structure I keep to, just journaling about whatever comes to mind at the end of the day. Sometimes its key moments or things I want to remember, and other times its something that stood out to me as I reflect on myself or my devotional time. It’s been an amazing journey so far and I’m quickly realizing how much it helps in keeping myself centered!
As a blogger, its a constant struggle to walk the line between contentment and seeking out things that the Lord doesn’t have for me. Before I know it, I get caught up in the materialism of the world around me. Everywhere I look there’s a new marketing campaign that tells me I need more, I’m not good enough, or worse, that I need to live every waking moment of my life in pursuit of those things.
Its funny how even just the small practice of journaling makes you more aware of things. Suddenly the topic you have been thinking about starts popping up in other places. That happened this week during our mid-week church! We were reflecting on some of the biggest names in history: Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Heath Ledger, Robin Williams, Vincent Van Gogh, and Whitney Houston (to name a few). Each of these individuals seemed to have it all! They were icons who had riches, fame, notoriety, and had reached the top of the top in their professions. Yet at the end of their lives, each and every one of them either overdosed or committed suicide.
Clearly “having it all” must not have been all its cracked up to be! They lived the “American Dream” and yet, just as Solomon says in Ecclesiastes, it was all “vanity of vanities”. Today and everyday, I want to remember to be grateful for what I have and where I am. To stop, and reflect on the all the things I am so privileged to experience everyday.
One of the reason’s I am so passionate about this blog, is to help other women let go of the draw to have it all and in the process remind myself to do the same! Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about cute clothes and I day dream about building my dream home one day! But I never want those things to be the number one. I never want them to be what I live for and what I promote! Truly we DO NOT need it all! Most of us would do just fine with what we have today, for the rest of our lives.
Maybe instead we should focus on having what matters! Building meaningful relationships with those around us. Refocusing on God and His will for our lives. Lets stop comparing ourselves to everyone else and just be grateful for where we are. Be encouraged and keep the right focus on this journey! We all can live a beautiful and fulfilling life, and lets choose to do so filled with gratitude.
Thanks so much for reading! What are you grateful for today?
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Very good points you make in your post. There is a short and simple, but good, 5 day devotion and Bible reading plan that I am working through: . It is helping me think through how I compare myself to others and how that can rob me of contentment. To answer your question: today I am grateful for good health, a wonderful family, and the joy and peace that comes from a relationship with God. So thankful I don’t have to be strong, but have a greater One to rely on.